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Horse Hay fever Blog image with a plant spreading pollen. Photo by Alex Jones on Unsplash

Reducing horse hay fever symptoms with dust-extracted bedding

A common health issue that horses encounter, particularly during the warmer months, is hay fever. Horse hay fever, like in humans, is an allergic reaction to airborne pollen particles. Horses affected by hay fever may exhibit symptoms similar to humans, such as runny or itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, and general discomfort. In severe cases, it can lead to performance issues and respiratory complications.

It is important to note that hay fever cannot be completely prevented by changing your horse’s bedding, but it can help minimise their discomfort. Pollen will always be around in areas with trees or flowers, so it’s important to be aware of the pollen count in the summer, and take measures to ensure that your horse is not uncomfortable.

To help this, make sure that you avoid placing their water under trees or plants that may be pollinating. Avoid riding in areas that are prone to high pollen counts, especially in the early morning to noon when the pollen counts are usually at their highest. In more extreme cases, take care to get the proper treatment or supplements for your horse. Read more about it in this article from Wynnstay.

The Role of Bedding

Bedding plays a critical role in the equine environment, particularly when it comes to controlling dust and allergen exposure. If your horse is suffering from hay fever, then you want to focus on removing any additional dust particles from their environment.

Traditional bedding materials like straw and wood shavings can often harbour dust and moulds, which can agitate hay fever symptoms in horses. S4Bed provides dust-extracted, practically dust-free bedding for horses and small animals.

Shredded cardboard bedding is virtually dust-free, making it an excellent choice for horses suffering from hay fever.

Reduced Allergen Exposure

The dust-extracted property of shredded cardboard bedding means less airborne dust and moulds for your horse to inhale. Preventing further agitation from hay fever symptoms on both your horse’s skin and in their nose and eyes.

A Sustainable Choice

On top of this, S4Bed shredded cardboard bedding is a sustainable choice. It repurposes a discarded material into something useful, contributing to a more eco-friendly approach to horse care.

In conclusion, while hay fever in horses can be a challenging issue to manage, you can ensure that by taking the correct precautions and making changes where necessary, your horse will be in minimal discomfort. Switching to dust-extracted shredded cardboard bedding can prevent further. With its dust-extracted nature, superior absorbency, and comfort features, this bedding option offers an effective and environmentally friendly solution to help minimise hay fever symptoms in horses. As always, consult with your equine vet to discuss the best management strategies for your horse’s health.

Curious about trying S4Bed Shredded cardboard bedding? Get in touch with S4Bed today for more information or to order a trial bale. Call us on 01342 659100

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Charlwoods Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 2HL

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